Monday, June 9, 2014

French Kissing in the USA

Skin: [Deetalez] Gemma Lips 2 / Eastern
Eyes: [The Sugar Garden] Luminate / Light Brown
Hair: [Magika] Written
Top: [Gawk] Loose Tank Top / Blue @ Hello Sunshine
Pants: [Cynful] Bell Bottom / Ripped Dirty @ The Thrift Shop
Horns: [Geek] Buld Me Up / Patriotic @ The Thrift Shop
HeadWear: [Atooly] The Kenzi Bow / Blue
Glasses: [Random Matters] Winchester / Natural
Ring: [Swallow] ISingle / Gold @ The Dressing Room
Watch: [Ey:No] Stores Closed
Bracelet: [Izzie's] Eternity / Orange @ The Dressing Room
Friends: [Alchemy] Doge French Bulldog / Snow & Spot @ Arcade Gacha
Noms: [Tentacio] Num Num Tofu / Star @ Arcade Gacha
Ears: [Mandala] Stretched Omimi
Mouth: [Loud Mouth] Alli Open v1.5
Hands: [Slink] Av Enhance - Elegant Hand
Feet: [Slink] Av Enhance - Flat

Body: [Wowmeh] Fitted Mesh Insize
Shoes: [Reign] Petal Hoppers / Black