Sunday, July 20, 2014

A Princess and Her Fawn

Elikatira is having a 9th Rezz Day Sale including new hair until August 22. All hair packs is 99l$.

Skin: [Deetalez] Gemma Lips 2 / Eastern
Eyes: [Ikon] Immortal / Coffee
Hair: [Elikatira] Jordyn
Dress: [Alchemy] Dream Simple / Cream @ The Secret Fair
Necklace: [Alchemy] Dream Epaulets / Mink @ The Secret Fair 
Earrings: [Pekka] Kawaii / White
Friend: [Alchemy] Dreams Spirit Fawn Familiar -Rare- @ The Secret Fair
Make-Up #1: [Pekka] Face Moles
Make-Up #2: [Pekka] Heart Mole Lower Cheek @ The Cosmetic Fair
Ears: [Mandala] Stretched Omimi
Mouth: [Loud Mouth] Alli Open v1.5
Hands: [Slink] Av Enhance - Elegant 
Feet: [Slink] Av Enhance - High
Body: [Wowmeh] Silhouette ( v1.0)
Shoes: [Reign] Liberty Wedges / Tan

Pose: [Focus Poses] Model 135_1