Monday, August 11, 2014


 Ok, so let me start by saying you see that Chicky right there? Yeah that one next to me mhmm Finally got a blog collab going. Its been talked about forever it seems. I met this girl from a common ass-hat we know and I'm glad to call her a friend, still new and still getting to know one another and I hope to spend more time with her (I know, its getting cheesy) But I hope to continue on this road <3
Any who her look can be found on her amaze-balls of a blog HERE!

The Big Show is now open
District 5 opening soon

Hair: [Spellbound] Jezebel vbangs
Top: [Autopsy] Dolls / Black
Pants: [Nana] Nelly Leggings / Dark Blue @ The Big Show
Make-Up #1: [Pekka] Face Moles 
Make-Up #2: [Pekka] Heart Mole Lower Cheek
Head Wear: [Panik] Wrapped Chain / Black
Necklace: [Flipmode] Pentagon / Black @ Suicide Dollz
Choker: [Cute Poison] Heretic Collar / Black For District 5 @ Industrial Compound
Ring: [Utopiah] Anchor Bow / Red
Claws: [Slink] Claw Toenails - Medium
Footies: [Sugar Marmite] Tootsie Chain / Divah

The Dailies ↙

Skin: [Deetalez] Gemma Lips 2 / Eastern
Eyes: [Buzz] Hime / Coffee
Ears: [Mandala] Stretched Omimi 
Mouth: [Loud Mouth] Alli Open v1.5  
Hands: [Slink] Av Enhance - Elegant 
Feets: [Slink] Mid Feet Av Enhance